Thursday, May 11, 2017

Genre Blog Post: Short fiction:SEXY


I thought this story very intertining and engaging. I thought Miranda was pale and boring. This story showed that wasn't necessary the case. What engaged me was that Miranda was a mat to step on. She needed to step up and tell people to piss off. She didn't bore me in the least, she showed that she had more to her than met that eye. When she had the encounter with the boy, she showed she had more smarts that readers think. I choose the theme Infedlity..

I chose infedidity because Miranda had sex with Dev without even knowing who he was or about; he happened to be married to a woman who was in India. What I thought was Miranda's friend's cousin was Dev's wife. It seemed to tie everything so nicely all together. 

Miranda knew when she met Dev that he was married because he told her. "They're for my wife." He uttered the words slowly, holding Miranda's gaze. " She's going to India for a few weeks". He rolled his eyes. "She's addicted to this stuff". He was referring to the shopping bags in his hands when he was following Miranda in the discount store. 

Miranda slept with Dev several times and became deeply involved with him. Obsessively almost, buying face cream, lingere' and food that he liked. Her life seemed to center around him until she lost the sense of who she was. 

Miranda seemed to end the affair with the boy; she seemed almost taken with him and disgusted at the same time. After her time with him and him telling her she was "sexy" she seemed to be at peace with herself. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that Deve and his wife are a different couple than Lakshmi's cousin and her husband. But it's interesting to think about how Lahiri structures this story with these parallel narratives of infidelity. Do you think Miranda grows as a person because of her affair with Dev?
