Tuesday, March 7, 2017

READER RESPONSE:  On goodreads, I found most everyone rated this book four out of five stars. The review says “Stowe’s puritanical religious beliefs show up in the novel’s final, overarching theme-the exploration of the nature of Christianity and how Christian theology is fundamentally incompatible with slavery.” I absolutely agree with this statement and feel exactly the same. The other regular people who wrote reviews said overall it was a great book but many people disagreed on if it was considered “classic” or not. Stowe’s character is being discussed on how she influenced Abraham Lincoln and did not mention how The Civil War sparked interest. Some people thought she down played the brutalness of slavery for her own personal gains. I agree that she did not go into many gory details but considering this was written in the 1800’s and many other aspects are to be considered I would give her a pass. 

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