Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kelly Koenig
March 7, 2017
Race and the American Novel Project
Uncle Tom's  Cabin

TEXTUAL BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT:  The textual image I chose is of an Iron mask, collar, leg shackles and spurs used to restrict slaves. This picture shows the injustice and inhumanity of Slavery to me. These are clearly torture devices used to put the African Americans in place, showing the inferiority of their race to the white man. The idea of humans that are property to buy, sell, abuse, restrict and dehumanize makes me weep for justice.  The horror that went largely unmentioned in Uncle Tom’s Cabin is hard for me to imagine but seeing these illustrations and ads gives me an unfavorable impression of these historical times. I feel we have gone so far beyond racism by having non-segregated restrooms, drinking fountains, shops, buses and so much more by having a first black President, Barrack Obama. America has elected him two terms and he served despite the opposition of old white men. Today, we have taken steps toward the ancient past by electing an old white guy who could possibly bring bigotry and hatred back to our fine Nation.  

1 comment:

  1. I also chose this page for my textual background post. I was shocked and saddened by the fact that these instruments existed. It's just horrible thinking about the pain and torture that slaves went through at the hands of white men who thought they were superior to them. I also was wondering why Stowe never mentioned any of these devices during the book?
